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Tricks to Recognize the Causes of Weak Washing Machine Dynamos and Overcome Them

Causes Of Weak Washing Machine Dynamo - The washing machine has machine components inside that are easily damaged. Especially if the washing machine is used every day without any special care. One of the components or parts of the washing machine that is often problematic is the dynamo of the machine. The inside of the machine serves to drive the washing machine so that the washing machine can work optimally. However, if the washing machine dynamo is weak then the washing machine will have problems so that the machine rotation moves slowly and the washing process takes a long time. Don't panic just yet if you experience this. You can try to check the components of the machine yourself to overcome the weak washing machine dynamo.

Tricks to Recognize the Causes of Weak Washing Machine Dynamos and Overcome Them


Here are some tricks that can be done, among others:

1. Check capacitors and wash machine dynamo ace parts

You can ascertain the cause of the weak washing machine dynamo by checking the capacitor and the ace part of the dynamo. If the capacitor is no problem and the ace part of the dynamo is not jammed, then perform an electrical circuit check. This usually happens because the dynamo coils are stacked between the main and starter coils. If this happens it is likely that the dynamo is short or short, then change the part of the dynamo. Similarly, if capacitors and ace dynamos are wheeled should be repaired immediately.

2. Check the washing machine dynamo wire

The next trick is to check the washing machine dynamo wire. If the washing machine dynamo wire looks burnt and the wire is not smooth anymore, then make a change of the washing machine dynamo wire. But if the wire looks smooth means the obstacle is the same as the explanation of the first trick, which is due to the flow of electrical connections.

3. Checking the vanbelt

This trick can be done on a washing machine that uses two tubes. In the previous explanation it was known that the two-tube washer has a dinamo part dryer as well, then if the dynamo of the washing machine dryer is weak you can check the vanbelt. If the vanbelt turns out to be less tight or loose, you can adjust it by shifting the distance from the dynamo. If the vanbelt is still loose, it is best to make a change with the same type of vanbelt. Try to install it not too tight so as not to damage the dynamo ace and gearbox.

4. Check the dynamo capacity

Do the trick to overcome the weak washing machine dynamo as above, but if you are still driving you can check the capacity of the dynamo. Try checking the wash dynamo capacitor by making sure it does not exceed the normal capacitor size of 10-16 uf/400VAC.
Such are some tricks that can be applied if the washing machine dynamo is weak so that the washing machine can not be used optimally. But if you are not very familiar with the components of the machine should ask for the help of a technician who understands about the washing machine. Especially if you are afraid when doing your own checking even make the washing machine more damaged.

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